Wednesday, April 8, 2009

How long does this stuff take to work?

So, you've had your first acupuncture treatment and now you're wondering, "Okay, so when am I going to feel blissfully different, like everyone talks about?"

The short answer? It depends. I know, you probably don't really like that answer. But don't worry, I'll give the long answer next.

We're all different. This is the basis for Chinese medicine. We're all different, so we all get different treatments. We all heal at different speeds. Also, the speed to which we heal can depend on how long we've been experiencing our unhealth. A sore back that was caused by working too hard in the garden last weekend will heal much faster than a back that was injured 20 years ago on the job and flares up periodically.

Now, this isn't to say that a chronically injured back can't heal quickly. That all depends upon:
  • Your genetic make up. Some people are more prone to back injuries than others, so it will be necessary to counteract not only the back pain, but the propensity for back pain. This will take more time
  • How well you and your acupuncturist work together, energetically. We all have different energy patterns, and sometimes two energy patterns don't mesh well for healing. If this is the case, it may be difficult to get lasting results. This doesn't mean that acupuncture can't work, it just means that that practitioner's acupuncture may not work for you.
  • And at least partially, your mind set. You have to be in the mindset that you are going to get better. If you continue to tell yourself that you're never going to be healthy again, guess what, the Universe will grant your wish - you will never be healthy again. Start by telling yourself that this is just another block in the, road. You can get past it, like many others in your life. You will get past it.
Okay, but what does all of this mean in real-time? Some conditions are easily affected by one treatment and you may see results on the table. Some people don't feel any changes for a couple days after the treatment - like they have to "sleep on it" for it to kick in. Some people may require more treatments to begin feeling any differences. On average, I find that people start noticing SOME sort of change by the fourth treatment. This isn't to say that they're healed by four weeks (though some are!), they're just noticing some changes in the positive direction. With a really complex condition, it may take several months to get the desired results.

If you're wondering how long it may take for you to get healthy again, please talk with your acupuncturist. They may be able to give you a ball-park idea of how long it may take. After a couple of treatments, your acupuncturist can usually give you a better idea of how long it will take based on the early changes you experience.

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