Friday, April 24, 2009

Your health is an investment

I want you to know that natural medicine isn't a quick fix. You can't get acupuncture and know that within 30 minutes your symptoms will be gone. (Okay, sometimes you can, headaches and other body pains can be relieved on the table, but one treatment still doesn't keep the symptom from reappearing later.)

Chinese medicine is a system that addresses the source of the problem. It doesn't just cover up your suffering. Don't get me wrong, sometimes we could use some ibuprofen to get rid of that headache now, but what would your life be like if you didn't experience headaches everyday? What if you didn't even need to BUY ibuprofen?

Doesn't that sound like a better existence?

I want you to know that there is a possibility out there of living a life where you're NOT constantly hiding from symptoms. Yes, this takes an initial investment in time and money, but think of the long term consequences. You no longer need that prescription which is costing you $200 a month! You end up SAVING money because you don't wind up with heart disease, diabetes or any number of surgeries which all have HUGE bills attached to them! You are able to go on that 3 hour hike! You don't have to wonder which event is going to be missed out on because you weren't feeling well enough!

What a RICH life!

So I want you to stop thinking about natural medicine as this expensive service that you have to go to every week for a while. Think of it as an investment. An investment in your health. An investment in your life. An investment in your future.


  1. Acupunture saved my live years ago when doctors prescribed relafin and paxil at the same time! I lost the use of my right side as if I had had stroke. An acupunturist advised stopping all meds and using herbs. Within 48 hours I had full mobility again and was looking for a refill on the herbs.
    I know the power of natural medicine and even if my pet could benifit would prefer these techniques over traditional medicine. Keep up the good work

  2. Yikes! That sounds so scary! You must have been terrified! I'm SO glad everything reversed AND you were able to find relief through natural medicine.

    I treat pets regularly for many of the same complaints that humans experience. They get even BETTER results than we do because they don't have all of the mental blockages that we do! They're natural meditators.

  3. the time was what tripped me up in the past. I'd start something, it would take a while (meanwhile I'd be hearing from the skeptics), and then give up. now I am better about a) trusting my own instincts about what to do and b) trusting that the healing will occur in its own time.

  4. It's definitely a leap sometimes to go from the ideology that medicine is quick acting (surgery, pain meds, etc.) to the ideology that our bodies can heal themselves, they just need a little reminding about how to do it sometimes.


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