Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Caffeine and your natural energy levels

Many people drink coffee to get their mornings started. Some people continue drinking coffee throughout the day. My question to you, if you're a coffee drinker, is - do you just like coffee? or do you NEED coffee? If you just like coffee and you're not reliant upon it to get through your day, all the more power to ya! Coffee is full of antioxidants which are anti-cancer nutrients. However, if you're finding that you need that next cup of coffee because your brain is foggy and your body is sluggish, let's have a talk.

Coffee contains caffeine which is a stimulant. It makes you feel alert and able to respond to any challenges that may come your way. This sounds like a great bodily reaction, right? In a short-term sort of way, sure. The trouble begins when we start using caffeine as a replacement for our own natural energy. As we consume more caffeine, our bodies learn that they don't need to create our own energy, that it will be supplied from an outside source (coffee, tea, soda, etc.). So what happens when we're then separated from our precious caffeine source? Our bodies no longer know how to make appropriate levels of energy to get us through our day.

So what can you do to help your body re-learn how to be energetic on its own?

  • First off, reduce the amount of caffeine that you consume, or stop drinking it altogether. I know this can be tough, but just take it slow. I usually recommend 0-2 cups of coffee or tea a day. (Yes, I recommend that people discontinue soda consumption altogether because there is NO healthful benefit to soda, unlike coffee and tea which at least contain antioxidants. If you absolutely can not live without a sweet, fizzy drink, consider Juice Squeezes or Izzes. They are carbonated fruit juices that are DELECTABLE!)
  • Replace the caffeine that you normally would have consumed with water. Caffeine is very dehydrating, which can make it so your energy is unable to flow properly. If your energy can't get quickly to where it should be going, you'll get that sluggish feeling that we all know so well.
  • Consider getting acupuncture to help your body re-learn to produce energy more quickly. You'll be feeling more energetic, so you won't NEED the caffeine so much. Acupuncture can also help mitigate any withdrawal symptoms you may experience.
Coffee is a lovely drink, but like everything, must be used in moderation. It's best to feel great on your own and to be able to have coffee as a treat that you enjoy, rather than a necessary crutch to get through your day.

Picture Courtesy of: Laura's Psychology Blog


  1. Coffee is one of my most favorite things in the whole world! I wish I could like exercising as much, haha. I really enjoy your blog, thanks for all the great info.

  2. I live in a coffee mecca (Portland, OR) second only to Seattle! It can be a great substance, but when we start relying on it, it's a sign that something's out of balance. Everything in moderation :) Think outside the box for exercise. It's possible that you're already doing something that just doesn't SEEM like exercise because you ENJOY it. Do more of that!


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