Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year's Resolutions 2009

Okay, so we're getting a little bit into the year here. I'm sure you're saying, "It's about time, don't ya think?"

Well here are mine, finally:

  • Eat better. No more refined sugars for me. I feel SO much better when I stick to fruit sugars. I've done this before and kind of regret letting myself slip. This one is always tough because it takes a good solid two weeks to stop craving the sugar! I just make sure to have lots of fruit around to snack on when I start wanting the bad stuff.
  • Drink more water. Again, I always feel better when I make sure to drink lots of water.
  • Be more frugal with our money. The "Debt Diva" has some pretty simple ideas to start with. http://www.bnd.com/542/story/600856.html
  • Build my practice. With a young daughter and a young business, I've experienced the eternal struggle of balancing work and home. I'm setting my goal at one new patient every week this year. Universe, let it be heard, I am going to have one new patient every week this year. Now, to continue getting my name out there to the world!

Alright, those are my goals! I'm sure the list will evolve as I go through the year, but it's a start, and they're now out there for the world to see! :)

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